Friday, May 3, 2019

Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2

Senate Bill 406 pertains to the carrying and storage of handguns by school marshals. The idea behind this bill is that implementing armed marshals in schools will reduce the likelihood of a school shooting from possible threats. 

I believe that having armed marshals on school campuses will increase the safety of students. The action of arming marshals in school makes schools harder targets. You don't see bad guys going into places where there are a bunch of armed citizens. You don't see bad guys going into NRA conventions or the like. That is because they know it is a dangerous place for them to be. Most people won’t deliberately put themselves in a position that could be harmful to them.

One of the reasons school shootings happen is because there is limited immediate threat towards the shooter. Allowing school marshals to carry a concealed firearm and informing people that there are school marshals on campus, will put potential assailants at a disadvantage.

In the animal world, creatures like bobcats pray on the defenseless. Often, given the opportunity, bobcats will slaughter more animals than they can possibly eat. They kill for sport. These predators can be accurately compared to many school shooters. A defenseless school for a demented shooter, is like an unguarded chicken coop for a bobcat. Once the predator is in, there isn’t much to stop it from killing everything it sees. It is natural for predators to attack easy targets. Therefore, we must make our schools hard targets.

Lt. Col.  David Grossman, in his book On Combat, points out that there are fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems in schools. People would go crazy if schools didn’t have these things. Yet, few people are willing to accept prevention systems of school shootings. Even though the likelihood of a school shooting happening is much higher than the likelihood of there being a school fire. 

Obviously, the school marshals must go through extensive training to learn what to do and when to do it, should an active shooter situation arise. Background checks, proper licensing, and through training must all be required of armed marshals. They will be the first responders to an active shooter situation and thus, must know what they are doing. 

Armed marshals will act as a deterrent towards evil doers, which is why I believe all schools should have them.

Stage Seven: Original editorial or commentary #2

Senate Bill 406 pertains to the carrying and storage of handguns by school marshals. The idea behind this bill is that implementing arme...