Thursday, April 18, 2019

Upload Assignment: Blog Stage Six: Comment on a colleague's work #1

 Some constructive criticism for a colleague:

Hi Dani, nice start on this statement.

You seem passionate about the topic discussed. This is a good thing. It is often hard to write about something that you can't find passion or inspiration for. You make several good points. Such as, the loss of student funding, and the amount of money the state of Texas would save if marijuana was legalized.

However, none of your claims have weight behind them. Stating statistics in a scholarly assignment without providing sources takes away from your legitimacy as an author. For example, you stated, "There was roughly 64,000 people arrested on marijuana charges in the state of Texas in 2017." Where did you get this number? Also, you wrote, "Not only are these sanctions unfair, but black Americans are having to suffer these consequences the most even though the number of white and black people smoking are roughly the same." How do you know ethnic concentration of marijuana smokers? Why should the reader believe the numbers you present without a credible source cited?

This is my only critique: make sure you cite your sources to increase your credibility as an author, and prevent scholastic dishonesty. Aside from that, this blog post was very well written and easy to follow as a reader. I strongly encourage you to revise this post. Especially since you seem to feel strongly about the topic. This is an opportunity for you to share your opinion on legalizing marijuana. Whenever you choose to share something, I suggest you do it well.

Good job!

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